Specialist Football Program


The Safety Bay Senior High School Specialist Football Program is 1 of 4 Perth Glory FC Academy Schools in Australia.

The PGFC Academy provides an elite professional coaching environment for the boys and girls in the program, allied to a clear, structured pathway towards a career in the game, as well as committment to creating a learning environment that is both nurturing and challenging.

Join our dynamic and successful elite sports program that combines sporting excellence, academic achievement and personal growth.


Football Philosophy

The Safety Bay Specialist Football Program is committed to providing opportunities for all students to fulfil their potential as football players and young people.

We take a holistic approach to our students’ development, encouraging discipline, teamwork leadership, work ethic and decision making.


Register Interest

Students from year levels 7-10 are encouraged to trial for a place in our Specialist Football Program. Register below and you will be contacted to arrange an individual trial.

Selection Trials

Register now for our Specialist Football Program!

Fill out the online form below to be contacted regarding upcoming trials.


Program Selection
Training Program
Academic Progress
Facilities and Equipment
Champion Schools Competition
Qualifications and Opportunities
Coaching Staff

Program Selection

Selection trials for current Year 6’s looking to become apart of our program for the following year are held once annually. Registrations are essential to confirm your place at the trials.

Training Program

Students will participate in 4 1x hour practical coaching sessions during the school week. This time does not impact on the learning program of the students.

Students will also supplement this with practice matches, participation in the Champion Schools Soccer Program, club training and weekend matches.

Academic Progress

Academic progress is an important part of the Safety Bay Senior High School Football Academy.

Students are expected to work consistently across all subjects to maintain a high standard of academic performance, behaviour and attendance. Failure to do so may result in the student being asked to leave the program.

Facilities and Equipment

The Safety Bay Senior High School Specialist Football Program has some of the State’s best training facilities.

Our FIFA approved artificial turf facility encourages small sided football and we as also have a purpose-built fitness centre for off field development.

We also have an extensive range of speed, agility and quickness equipment. Players have access to indoor soccer facilities and high-quality training equipment.

Champion Schools Competition

All of our players get the chance to sharpen their skills in the School Sport WA Champion Schools Competition during Terms 2 and 3. This fun competition sees us compete against other Department of Education Specialist Football program teams as well as teams from high schools across the South Metropolitan area.

The Safety Bay Senior High School Specialist Football Program has won eleven State Titles since its inception in 2002.

Qualifications and Opportunities

  • Miniroos coaching certificate
  • Skill training coaching certificate
  • Strapping Qualification
  • Level 4 refereeing qualification
  • First Aid qualification
  • Certificate II Sport & Recreation
  • Game analysis
  • Camps
  • Overseas tours

Coaching Staff

Neil Addison
Program Coordinator - Specialist Football

  • FFA / AFC B Coaching Licence
  • Bachelor Sport Science Honours
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Education
  • Accredited Football West Community Coaching Course deliverer
  • NPLWA Technical Director (2017)
  • 25+ Years of Football Experience

Nathan Costello
Specialist Football Teacher