Our school library opens from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday, except early close at 3:30pm every Thursday. The library is open to students during recess and lunch times every day, except for Friday recess.
The school library is an important hub for students. Its goal is to support all teaching and learning programs and to ensure the information needs of students are met. Our library has a vast range of fiction and non-fiction books to enhance our student’s learning experience. It provides a large range of traditional and modern research tools, resources and references that can be used for research, study or leisure activities.
The library has a designated private study area for senior school students with computer access for research. A comfortable reading area has been set aside near the fiction section for quiet reading by classes or individuals. The library houses more than 50 computers that can be used for personal research before school, at recess and lunch time.
Students do not require a card to borrow library resources. Library loans are for a period of two weeks and the return date will be stamped in the back of the book by the librarian when it is borrowed by the student. Loans may be extended, but each student is only permitted three books per loan.
Library Catalogue
Browse our Library book catalogue by Best Sellers, New Arrivals, Genre, Shortlists or by searching for a specific title!
Here you will find summaries of each book, see availability of books in our Library, and discover how to request a new book to be added to our catalogue.